Improve Ankle Mobility for Better Balance

by | Feb 18, 2013 | Flexibility & Stretching, Foot Care & Foot Fitness | 0 comments

Use the Standing Agitator Exercise to Free Up Your Feet, Ankles and Heels

Heels and ankles need to be limber and move freely so that they can help us balance on uneven surfaces.  Check to see if you have strong, flexible heels and ankles with this quick and easy ankle mobility exercise.

Test your balance by standing on one foot.  Do you have a little “play” in your foot and ankle to keep you on balance, or is your ankle stuck/frozen?  With good movement through the heel and practicing that agitator exercise in the long run it’s going to help with better balance and healthy mobility for your feet.

The Agitator Exercise

After doing the Agitator Exercise are you more aware of the movement at your ankles and heels?  When you started, did you feel “stuck?”  If it is hard for you to tell, get with a friend and have them stand behind you while you are “agitating” or twisting, to watch your ankles and heels for movement.  Ideally, you want to see (and feel) your feet shifting from the inside of one foot to the outside of the other, and switching sides as you change directions.


Super Ankles Foot-Fit Board BundleFor more exercises and tools to improve both ankle strength, and ankle mobility, use a Super Ankles Foot-Fit Board.  This is one of the best foot care products available to help keep ensure injury-free ankles.

If you run, walk or play sports this helpful foot care product can help you with ankle strengthening exercises to avoid ankle sprains. If you are recovering from an ankle injury, the Super Ankles Foot Fit Board can be utilized for ankle sprain rehabilitation exercises.  (Check with your doctor to be sure you’ve healed and it’s appropriate to begin an ankle rehab program.)

The Super Ankles Foot-Fit Board Bundle comes with an exercise booklet, the Super Ankle Exercise Board, and a How-To DVD with an 8-minute Super Ankle Board Workout.

 Reinforce better balance, and help keep your feet strong, fit and flexible
with the
Super-Ankle Foot Fit Board exercises!

Aliesa George: Over the past three decades, Aliesa George has helped assist people with their personal health journeys by sharing, teaching, and developing Pilates, Foot Fitness, and other Mind-Body programs.


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