Touch for Health & PKP Kinesiology

by | Apr 9, 2008 | Health, Mind-Body Health | 0 comments

I’ve been off the blog-wagon for the past few weeks, and am now on the band-wagon to spread the word about the benefits of Kinesiology and Touch for Health! To continue my education in Mind-Body wellness – I’ve enrolled in a series of workshops this year to learn muscle testing and body balancing techniques, that I hoped to incorporate into my Pilates teaching. Little did I know what new realm of knowledge I was about to step into…

It wasn’t until I was actually at my Touch For Health workshop in January, that I learned TFH was developed for the lay person to learn for self wellness, and to be able to help friends & family. This system of muscle testing and balancing the body is relatively easy to learn.

Here’s a link if you’re interested in purchasing the Touch for Health book.

Then, to add to the wealth of information I learned at my Touch for Health workshop….I recently returned from a 2-week intensive for PKP Kinesiology (Practitioner’s Kinesiology Program) taught by Arlene Green and the U.S. Kinesiology Institute. WOW! This system of energy balance is so comprehensive! I am awed, amazed, and grateful for my learning experience. The PKP system was developed by Dr. Bruce Dewe, he describes Kinesiology as the science of energy balancing. Below is a bit more info from Dr. Dewe explaining the benefits of Kinesiology for health.

“Kinesiology is the most holistic of all the natural therapies and, like traditional Maori medicine, recognizes the importance of body, mind and spirit in health and healing.

Kinesiology enables people to detect and correct imbalances that relate to stress, nutrition, learning problems, minor injuries, and other issues they meet in their daily life. A non-invasive method, Kinesiology is grounded in the study of anatomy and physiology and uses muscles as monitors of stress and imbalance within the body.
A fundamental premise of kinesiology is that the body has innate healing energy and is always doing its best to care for itself, but sometimes needs to be helped into a better position to achieve this care.

Kinesiology recognizes the flows of energy within the body not only relate to the muscles but to every tissue and organ that make the body a living, feeling being. These energy flows can be evaluated by testing the function of the muscles, which in turn reflect the body’s overall state of structural, chemical, or emotional balance. In this way Kinesiology taps into energies that the more conventional modalities overlook.

Kinesiology looks beyond symptoms and does not treat named diseases nor does it diagnose them. Kinesiology is concerned with imbalances in the body’s energy. In this respect, kinesiology has close links with the acupuncture concept of energy flow.

Where, as the result of injury, emotional trauma, nutritional or other unresolved stress, the energy flow is interrupted, the whole body is affected. The exact nature of blockage in the energy flow can be more closely identified by muscle testing. Acupressure massage, light touch and other simple correction skills are used to restore muscle balance, which has a flow-on effect into total body energy.

Kinesiology is not limited to dealing with ailments. Energy balancing brings a person closer to achieving any goal of their choice – in sport, relationships, learning or coping with life generally.”

Dr Bruce Dewe MD NZRK MICAK 1997

If you’re interested in learning more about TFH workshops with Arlene & Larry Green visit: for Dr.Dewe’s site visit:

I am so excited about this stuff! Looking forward to gaining experience with my new Touch for Health, and PKP skills. Just like learning to teach Pilates – it’s going to take practice! And lots of it! I will keep you posted on my my journey to proficiency and health-improvement.

Aliesa George: Over the past three decades, Aliesa George has helped assist people with their personal health journeys by sharing, teaching, and developing Pilates, Foot Fitness, and other Mind-Body programs.


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